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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 661 to 680 of 1216
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Assessing the effect of indoor residual spraying (IRS) on malaria morbidity in Northern Uganda a before and after study-
2017Socioeconomic Inequalities in Visits to the Dentist to Receive Professionally Applied Topical Fluoride in a Developing Country-
2017Increased expression of deleted in malignant brain tumors (DMBT1) gene in precancerous gastric lesions: Findings from human and animal studies-
2017Severe functional difficulties and disabilities in children and adolescents and the Sustainable Development Goals-
2017Conocimientos sobre riesgo de embarazo y autoeficacia en hombres adolescentes: apoyo parental y factores escolares-
2017Population profiles associated with severe functional difficulties and disability among 5-17 years-old children in México-
2017Population profiles associated with severe functioning difficulties and disability among two to four years old children in Mexico-
2017Modeling the hepatitis A epidemiological transition in Brazil and Mexico-
2017Ecology of phlebotomine sandflies and putative reservoir hosts of leishmaniasis in a border area in Northeastern Mexico: implications for the risk of transmission of Leishmania mexicana in Mexico and the USA-
2017Factors Associated with Dental Pain in Mexican Schoolchildren Aged 6 to 12 Years-
2019The Public Health Leadership and Implementation Academy for Noncommunicable Diseases-
2017The gap in human resources to deliver the guaranteed package of prevention and health promotion services at urban and rural primary care facilities in Mexico-
2017Pupal productivity in rainy and dry seasons: findings from the impact survey of a randomised controlled trial of dengue prevention in Guerrero, Mexico-
2017Impacto económico del tabaquismo en los sistemas de salud de América Latina: un estudio en siete países y su extrapolación a nivel regional-
2017Tabaquismo en Costa Rica: susceptibilidad, consumo y dependencia-
2017Molecular and microbiological report of a hospital outbreak of NDM-1-carrying Enterobacteriaceae in Mexico-
2017Research capacity for childhood obesity prevention in Latin America: an area for growth-
2017Dietary intake and adequacy of energy and nutrients in Mexican older adults: results from two National Health and Nutrition Surveys-
2017Glycemic index, glycemic load, and metabolic syndrome in Mexican adolescents:a cross-sectional study from the NHNS-2012-
2017Apoyo social y su asociación con el autocuidado de la dieta en personas con diabetes-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 661 to 680 of 1216