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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 621 to 640 of 1216
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Indicators for monitoring maternal and neonatal quality care: a systematic review-
2019Indicadores de calidad de la atención a neonatos con patologías seleccionadas: estudio piloto-
2019Association between Active H. pylori Infection and Iron Deficiency Assessed by Serum Hepcidin Levels in School-Age Children-
2019Association between HighWaist-to-Height Ratio and Cardiovascular Risk among Adults Sampled by the 2016 Half-Way National Health and Nutrition Survey in Mexico (ENSANUT MC 2016)-
2019Serum Retinol but Not 25(OH)D Status Is Associated With Serum Hepcidin Levels in Older Mexican Adults-
2019Two truncating variants in FANCC and breast cancer risk-
2019One-carbon metabolism nutrient intake and the association between body mass index and urinary arsenic metabolites in adults in the Chihuahua cohort-
2019Características de estudiantes del posgrado de la Escuela de Salud Pública de México, 2004-2014-
2019Mechanisms of pyrethroid resistance in Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti from Colombia-
2019A reverse-transcription/RNase H based protocol for depletion of mosquito ribosomal RNA facilitates viral intrahost evolution analysis, transcriptomics and pathogen discovery-
2019Out-Of-Pocket Expenditures on Dental Care for Schoolchildren Aged 6 to 12 Years: A Cross-Sectional Estimate in a Less-Developed Country Setting-
2017Validity and reliability of the Mexican resilience measurement scale in families of children with chronic conditions-
2017Functional polymorphisms in pre-miR146a and pre-miR499 are associated with systemic lupus erythematosus but not with rheumatoid arthritis or Graves’ disease in Mexican patients-
2017Genomic Epidemiology of NDM-1-Encoding Plasmids in Latin American Clinical Isolates Reveals Insights into the Evolution of Multidrug Resistance-
2017Validity and Utility of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-2 and PHQ-9 for Screening and Diagnosis of Depression in Rural Chiapas, Mexico: A Cross-Sectional Study-
2017A Human Lin− CD123+ CD127low Population Endowed with ILC Features and Migratory Capabilities Contributes to Immunopathological Hallmarks of Psoriasis-
2017Comparative and functional triatomine genomics reveals reductions and expansions in insecticide resistance-related gene families-
2018Decir a medias: límites percibidos por los adultos para involucrarse en la prevención del embarazo adolescente en México-
2017Clinical characterization of acute and convalescent illness of confirmed chikungunya cases from Chiapas, S. Mexico: A cross sectional study-
2017Experiences and lessons learned for programme improvement of micronutrient powders interventions-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 621 to 640 of 1216