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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 561 to 580 of 1216
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Evaluation of an HIV recent infection testing algorithm with serological assays among men who have sex with men in Mexico-
2020Código Nutricia: nutrición y conflicto de interés en la academia en la academia-
2020Validity assessment of self-reported weight and its correction process among Mexican adult women of reproductive age-
2020Obesidad en México, prevalencia y tendencias en adultos. Ensanut 2018-19-
2020Associations between daily ambient temperature and sedentary time among children 4–6 years old in Mexico City-
2020Prevalence of inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals in the Mexican population correcting by nutrient retention factors, Ensanut 2016-
2020Early Gestational Exposure to High-Molecular-Weight Phthalates and Its Association with 48-Month-Old Children’s Motor and Cognitive Scores-
2020Análisis de la distribución nacional de intoxicación por plomo en niños de 1 a 4 años. Implicaciones para la política pública en México-
2020Situación de las prácticas de lactancia materna y alimentación complementaria en México: resultados de la Ensanut 2018-19-
2020Mapping child groeth failure across low-and middle-income countries-
2020The mutational constraint spectrum quantified from variation in 141,456 humans-
2019Acceptability and understanding of front of-pack nutritional labels: an experimental study in Mexican consumers-
2019Associations between dietary patterns and metabolic syndrome in adolescents-
2019Prevalencia, diagnóstico y control de la hipertensión arterial en adultos mexicanos en condición de vulnerabilidad. Resultados de la ENSANUT 100K-
2019Alta prevalencia de anemia en mujeres mexicanas en pobreza, Ensanut 100k-
2019Early life risk factors of motor, cognitive and language development: a pooled analysis of studies from low/middle-income countries-
2019Front-of-pack nutritional labels: Understanding by low- and middle-income Mexican consumers-
2019The successful containment of a hospital outbreak caused by NDM-1-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae ST307 using active surveillance-
2019Attributable Burden and Expenditure of Cardiovascular Diseases and Associated Risk Factors in Mexico and other Selected Mega-Countries-
2019Reporte nacional de niveles de plomo en sangre y uso de barro vidriado en población infantil vulnerable-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 561 to 580 of 1216