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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 1216
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Global health diplomacy in Mexico: insights from key actors in the field-
2021Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Urinary Cadmium in Women from Northern Mexico-
2021Síntomas depresivos y cobertura de diagnóstico y tratamiento de depresión en población mexicana-
2021Factors Associated With Dietary Quality During Initial and Later Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mexico-
2021Costs and economies of scale in the accelerated program for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Zimbabwe-
2021Comportamiento epidemiológico de SARS-CoV-2 en población trabajadora afiliada al Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social-
2021On the increasing incidence of SARSCoV-2 in older adolescents and younger adults during the epidemic in Mexico-
2021Trends in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components in Mexican adults, 2006-2018-
2021Network Dynamics in Elemental Assimilation and Metabolism-
2021Vitamin D status in Mexican women at reproductive age, Ensanut 2018-19-
2021Análisis comparativo del marco legal en salud mental y suicidio en México-
2020Statins for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease prevention in people living with HIV in Thailand: a cost-effectiveness analysis-
2021Mental Health Problems among COVID-19 Frontline Healthcare Workers and the Other Country-Level Epidemics: The Case of Mexico-
2021Perfil nutricional y estrategias de publicidad en el empaque de alimentos procesados de trigo y maíz en la Ciudad de México-
2021Scaling of mortality in 742 metropolitan areas of the Americas-
2021Regulación de la publicidad de alimentos y bebidas dirigida a la población infantil:el derecho a la información-
2021Priorización inicial y consecutiva parala vacunación contra SARS-CoV-2en la población mexicana. Recomendaciones preliminares-
2021La escala de afluencia familiar en la investigación sobre inequidades sociales en salud en adolescentes latinoamericanos-
2021Influence of Diet and Levels of Zonulin, Lipopolysaccharide and C-Reactive Protein on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Young Subjects-
2021Prevalence, incidence and years of life adjusted for disability due to depressive disorders in Mexico: Results of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 1216